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Demon Mustang of the Denver Airport

Demon Mustang of the Denver Airport

As it happens, this New Year found me in Denver, camera in hand. Downtown Denver was damned cold on New year’s Eve, but the fireworks were pretty cool. I spent much of the rest of my time wandering about with a camera in my hand and a friend from Brazil at my side. Liliana caught me being bad once. Against my better judgement, I have included the evidence in this gallery.

My usual obsession with street art found its way into the lens, though I have included a few additional pics in thus set. Liliana caught a lot more than I did. I took the liberty of included a few pieces that appeared in a previous post. The murals just belong here too. they were done by David Choe, and they are beyond cool! I have by no means captured the wealth of public art in this city, much less the whole state of Colorado. Time simply ran out, so I am cheating and taking much of it back with me.

The Denver Airport airport really is the gift that keeps on giving. I finally got a decent pic of the infamous mustang, even if it was from a ways out. I also grabbed a few pics of some of the murals in the airport itself. Now I’m not usually all that interested in indoor murals, for some probably arbitrary reason, but these are worth a little attention. Painted by Leo Tanguma, these aren’t your run-of-the-mill public building murals. No these guys are full of disturbing content and subversive messages. Combined with a Demon Horse and a statue of Anubis, these murals have clothed the Denver Airport a reputation that would make Scandinavian rock band proud.

Brings a tear to my eye.

(You may click on a picture to embiggen it.)